Individual coaching is a reflective process through which a coach helps a coachee to become more motivated, focussed and effective. Coaching results in people feeling more self-aware, confident and purposeful. We are networked into an international community of coaches with different backgrounds and experiences. We talk to you to establish what kind of coach you are looking for and then put forward a few names who we think may best fit the bill. Our coaches all have a solid business background and are focussed on facilitating best outcomes for you, the coachee and your business.
Assignment lengths vary from 3 sessions to 12 sessions or more. Shorter assignments are often used to support leadership development programs, or to facilitate 360 feedback. Longer assignments are more appropriate in helping people to manage through transitions or to navigate complex change.
We encourage the coachee to bring other people into coaching where appropriate, especially the line manager. This enables all parties to contribute to goal setting and enables the coachee to ask others to play a role in achieving their intentions.
Typical Process