Many organisations recognise that the most effective way to leverage the power of coaching is to train their leaders to become great coaches. To achieve an organisation-wide shift in behaviour requires a systemic approach. Every organisation has a prevailing culture that encourages or discourages coaching behaviours. Our approach enables you to shift the culture of your organisation.
We understand that every organisation is different, and that we need to tailor our offering to the needs of your leaders. The first, and most important thing to get right upfront is – what is the purpose of your program? And how does that purpose relate to the strategic objectives of your organisation? If you can answer both these questions, you have a much better chance of implementing a program that will lead to significant and sustainable behavioural changes in your leadership group.
To discover more about our approach click here and here.
Through our relationship with the Association for Coaching we can offer participants a globally recognised accreditation as part of the program.